Listen up because I am about to give you the best tip you will ever get for finding the best amateur porn there is to be had on the internet. First lets define what the best amateur porn is and is not. It is NOT filled with silicone tits on blonde bimbos. What makes amateur porn great is when it has everyday girls like your sister as the main character. When a little brother pulls out his cell phone and snaps photos and videos of his sister on the toilet that is quality porn you cannot reproduce on some sound studio.
Creating videos like these require several pieces of the universe to be in alignment. For instance, you have to have a sister, she has to be on the toilet and you have to have the balls to shoot a video of her. If none of that sounds like your current circumstances you should make it a point to head on over to Amateur-Porn.TV where there are plenty of guys out there uploading these kinds of videos!