I know that the title of this blog post isn’t exactly very positive. I mean, it seems almost jaded and it seems almost cynical, but a little bit of cynicism can go a long way. And a little bit of reasonable and natural suspicion and skepticism can help you instead of hurt you.
You have to understand that there are just so many things competing for your time and attention. There’s just so many things that you can be investing yourself in. And unfortunately, local sex sites tend to be designed in such a way that they take up a lot of your time while delivering very little of the results that you’re looking for.
Most guys join local sex sites because they’re looking for local sex. No, duh? No big mystery here. But the problem is, they join and they go down a rabbit hole and they put in hour after hour after hour, and they’re not getting any pussy. They’re not even getting any teasing messages. They’re not getting shit.
So how do you get ahead? How do you make heads or tails of all these local sex sites promising all sorts of hot, nasty, sticky action? Well, let me tell you, use a one and done approach. In other words, use a specific profile and then join as many of these local sex sites as you can. Seriously. Knock yourself out. Join as many of them as you can.
Now, send messages to all of them, and then see which ones actually produce some responses within one week. Delete everything else. Now, once you have reduced your list to those that have at least some activity, repeat the process again, but this time, customizing some of your messages.
See which ones get better results. In other words, the chick actually wants to engage with you. She talks about what she did on the weekend, she talks about the kind of sexual positions she enjoys, that kind of stuff. Again, delete everything else.
If you follow this technique, you will be able to zero in on local sex sites that deserve your attention and get rid of everything else.
Listen, you have a lot of responsibilities and duties in your daily waking hours, no need to waste all that time and precious resources fucking around with websites that really are not going to deliver. You need to only spend time on websites that are up to the job like https://www.freelocalsex.net/.