Ever hoped you could land a date and fuck some chick you met through social media? Of course you have, who hasn’t. This is exactly what this site is about.
It’s bullshit of course, exactly as much as any other reality site so no point in holding that against them. These are porn actresses playing the part and the site brings us the scenes to allow us to immerse ourselves in this fantasy.
I don’t know if they deliberately use girl-next-door type chicks, but I would like to assume so. Point is you’re not going to see any a-list pornstars showcased here but that definitely doesn’t mean the girls aren’t hot. There are plenty sexy girls doing porn and everybody starts somewhere – nobody is famous from day 1.
The site is very new as well, just under a year old in fact but wit a year past that has given them some time to build up a nice collection of work and the site would be worth the membership if it’s at a decent price and that’s exactly what it is.
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